pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Good School Day

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good School Day

It was definitely one of the better school days we've had in awhile. We got along, things were accomplished, no tears shed, generally speaking a good day. I'm particularly proud of Thing One. He has often struggled with writing; coming up with ideas, formating sentences, putting them in a good order. Today, we played catch up on a bit of school and one assignment was to write a Tall Tale about "The biggest fish I ever caught", based loosely off of Higgin's Bend Song & Dance. He stuck with it and finished it quickly, for him.

Thing Two had fun today with his art ~ we focused on Origami. He had fun making airplanes and learning how to make a sail boat/hat.
Well, now it's time for me to put my "house cleaning" hat on for awhile and get some chores done. Hope you have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Origami awesome?! Thanks for linking to me!
