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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wifely Wednesday

A friend from Five in a Row has been posting "Wifely Wednesdays" on her blog. After a little consideration about the blog post I wanted to write today, it seemed to fit under this heading; at least I think it does.

It began last night, while at Costco, as we discussed buying Oreo's or making more home made goodies. The Oreos were put back because Kevin mentioned that he'd just open the last roll (which usually has about 14 cookies) and I figured I could make cookies in a few days. Given that, I really didn't think to much more of baking, knowing that between what was in our cart and what was at home, we had everything we needed.

This morning, as groggily made my way to the kitchen for a cup of tea, I found this ~

When I checked in with Kevin a bit later, he said something along the lines of "Well last night you mentioned you'd make cookies and it's kind of hard to do that when the butter is frozen!" That is true, however, we just didn't have the same time line of when the said cookies would be made.

Instead of getting flustered by it, choose to be thankful that he was thinking ahead and after school and lunch today, I made triple chocolate cookies. I put some Hershey's Special Dark Coco Powder in with the flour and used brown and white chocolate chips. Here's how they look ~

All is well, that ends well ~ and smells well.