pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Encouraging E-mail

Monday, October 26, 2009

Encouraging E-mail

I have subscribed to "Heart of the Matter" for a few months now. Their e-mails are full of useful information and encouraging words for a homeschool mom. Today, under the "I Spy" section, there are five different blog posts that just touch my heart and helped me remember that I'm in this homeschooling thing for the long haul. Topics range from put it all in perspective to living and schooling in small places to 8 ways to sabatoge your homeschool and off course a couple more. Reading these helped me to "breathe deep" this morning and to remember a conversation from last week when talking discussing homeschooling and when to begin. A few years ago, I heard so clearly from God to homeschool, it would have been a sin not to. On the flip side, I haven't heard from God to stop homeschooling, so we continue our journey.

Here's a link to Heart of the Matter's I Spy page. Hope it blesses you too!

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