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Sunday, May 12, 2013

School Year End . . .

is fast approaching!  Just a mere ten days, not including the weekend ~ otherwise it would be 12.

Hard to believe it is this close to being finished.  Hard to believe we have made it 170 days!  Hard to believe we didn't loose any school days.  Hard to believe we are just about to finish our sixth year schooling at home.  Hard to believe I started this blog about 5 years ago to help gather math data for a graph.

As I am looking toward the end, I start to worry.  I start to wonder.  I start to panic a bit.  I start to get nervous if the boys have acquired enough knowledge to do well on their test.

In this frenzy tonight, I heard God speak to me.  Not so much an audible voice, but a scripture.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
Fools despise wisdom and instruction.  Psalm 1:7

Many passages came up, speaking to "do not fear" and they were consistently speaking to things other than the Lord.

This was quite comforting!  By fearing Him (read a very healthy respect for what He is capable of doing) and learning about what He has to say, we have no fear.

My spirit is beginning to slow down!  My sights return to things above. Now, it's off to bed.  Sleep is one aspect of a good day.  Hope I can sleep through!


  1. We're almost done, too! Now that co-op is finished, we just have a few things to wrap up at home! :)
