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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reflections of a week gone by!

It's been a week since I have written. That is 7 days or 168 hours or 10,080 minutes or 604,800 seconds. Feels like it has been a very long week. Here's our run down:
  1. Finished testing last Wednesday
  2. mailed off test and box tops (Wednesday or Thursday, I've already forgotten which)
  3. Thursday we had field day with our co-op
  4. Kid participated in 3-legged race at said field day and badly sprained his ankle
  5. Friday morning, woke up to kid not able to put weight on ankle
  6. Got one kid ready for Boy Scout Camping Friday - Sunday
  7. made doctor's appointment for other kid
  8. spent 5 hours at various doctor's for kids ankle
  9. Saturday felt like a blur, but yard work was done
  10. Sunday equaled church, hanging out, picking kid up, errands, yardwork
  11. Monday bit more yard work, selling used curriculum, junk food, laundry, and vegging
  12. Today - back to the same routine of therapy and starting some summer routines, meaning library time.
Hope to find our summer routine soon!  We're in need of routine after the school year, just a more relaxed one with more fun built in.

What does your summer look like?  What fun do you have planned?

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