pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Revisit of Allowance!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Revisit of Allowance!

It has been awhile since I asked about allowances.

Our boys have been getting them for a couple months or so now.  Looking back, I am seeing a lot of benefits to doing this.  Thought I'd share what we've seen as the benefits of giving allowances.  So here's what I have liked:
  • boys are getting better at exchanging coins for bills and different bills and coins combined ~ real world math, a good and practical way of teaching math.
  • the boys are more accepting of us saying "no we won't buy you that candy/gum as you have money at home"; they are learning to plan ahead, knowing that at certain places there is an option of buying things.  They'll ask to bring money to buy such and such.
  • they have begun looking, long term, toward buying things that will require saving and not buying that pack of gum or candy.
  • they are beginning to understand the basics of our family budget, that we only have so much money coming in and have responsibilities to pay for.
Well, on a rainy Saturday afternoon, that's about all I've got.  But still good benefits to have!

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