pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Just as quick

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Just as quick

as September and October seemed to have started and end,  November seems to be following in the same pattern.  November 3rd already.

This was a light week in school for us, we touched mostly on the basics as Hurricane Sandy came up the East coast.  Beginning of the week we did more laundry, stock piled water in our various water bottles, winterized the deck and patio, did some basic baking (who wouldn't want chocolate chip cookies when there is no power?). 

All things considered, we got off easy ~ one piece of siding popped loose and lost power for 15 hours.  No major damage to the house, vehicles, or property.  There are so many more in New Jersey and New York who have lost everything!  Nothing left.  Is one night of bad sleep and a short period of power loss really that bad?  I would have to say no!!!!!!!!!!

Now we are on to planning for Thanksgiving and some Christmas shopping.  Woo Hoo we've bought 4 things so far.

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