pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Craziness of Life

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Craziness of Life

Life sure can get turned upside down at times!  Moving along just fine and something hits that sends many ripples or huge waves it seems.

No huge waves here!  Just days of lots of activities, eyes needing new glasses and feeling tired all day as a result, school, and MAJOR catch-up on things that have not been maintained well.

Love when MAJOR things get tamed down!  It feels good to dive in, with determination, and get the job done.  The one thing I have been working on, might just be finished in a couple days or so!  Woo Hoo!

Other MaJoR tasks around here still (by room sort of):
  • utility room (workbench, craft supplies, seasonal stuff, etc.)
  • kitchen cabinets (all those blind cabinets and little ones up high over fridge that hold stuff we just don't use)
  • closet shelves (clothes and toys)
  • books (don't throw rocks at me!  We have some that just have not been read ever, I think, or are reference guides we just don't need)
  • miscellaneous piles of paper
  • under beds/desks/tables
How often do you purge your house?  Yes, we know A LOT of transient military folks, this question is geared to non-military, non-moving often friends.  How often do you fill up trash cans with broken stuff that is just useless?  How often do you go to Salvation Army (or other donation places)? 

We need to get better at this!  The idea that if we had to move suddenly and pay by the pound to move all this stuff is crazy.  We would be in some severe debt to move stuff we just don't need or use!

On the bright side though, I/we have made more trips to Salvation Army this year than prior years.  Still hope to get in 2 or 3 really good ones though.  Lots of books, movies, clothes, kitchen stuff, and loads of other stuff.  I do plan to get things up onto Craig's List and possibly E-bay and market them as great Christmas gifts or School stuff!  If they don't sell well, will re-evaluate if it's a "keep and try again later" or "donate"!

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