pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Another Mad Lib

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another Mad Lib

Today maybe Tuesday, but it was the first school day of the week for us. That means we did a Mad Lib to get us thinking of grammar and some rules. Today's actually turned out quiet funny.

(words bolded are the boys)

Two brave volunteers are needed to follow the instructions as they are read.

Here's how you do the Monstrosity. Stand with your feet together. Now, move your left foot quickly to the side. Now stamp your right foot 2 million times and put your hands on your partner's Thing Two. Next, you both run slowly to the right and bend your hairs backward. For the next eight counts, both of you skip swiftly to the left. Nest, you and your partner stand back to back and wiggle your printers and slap your cats together. Don't forget to keep stamping your right foot. Now, face your partner again, put your peoples together and shout, "SAF!" Now, hop backward and repeat the whole thing 1 billion times. If you feel that you can't learn this dance, you can always eat the next one out.

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