pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Today is the Day . . .

Monday, June 22, 2009

Today is the Day . . .

. . . . that the decluttering, throwing out, and stock piling stuff for Salvation Army begins. This is in preparation of adding a 1/2 bath to our basement. It's insane how much we've dumped into our utility room. There is so much stuff, like paint and caulk, that has dried out and is useless. I'm finding winter jackets that won't fit either boy. Stuff for projects that have gotten derailed (from Christmas and way further back in the 7 years we've lived here). Yikes!!!!!

I am hoping to have a lot accomplished by Wednesday evening. Three days of hopefully solid work. That is minus 2 hours of morning swim each day, a swim meet tonight (there goes five hours), and hopefully we'll squeeze in a free movie tomorrow.

Just to give a bit of how much work is necessary, here's a link to the picks I took a few days ago.

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