- Finished testing last Wednesday
- mailed off test and box tops (Wednesday or Thursday, I've already forgotten which)
- Thursday we had field day with our co-op
- Kid participated in 3-legged race at said field day and badly sprained his ankle
- Friday morning, woke up to kid not able to put weight on ankle
- Got one kid ready for Boy Scout Camping Friday - Sunday
- made doctor's appointment for other kid
- spent 5 hours at various doctor's for kids ankle
- Saturday felt like a blur, but yard work was done
- Sunday equaled church, hanging out, picking kid up, errands, yardwork
- Monday bit more yard work, selling used curriculum, junk food, laundry, and vegging
- Today - back to the same routine of therapy and starting some summer routines, meaning library time.
What does your summer look like? What fun do you have planned?