pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Another Sunday! Another Birthday!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Another Sunday! Another Birthday!

Another day to party! Another day to celebrate life!

     And that, my friend, is just what we did!

Our second son, known here as Thing Two, was born 10 years ago, today.  He's been a wonderful, high energy, very intense in all things, kid his whole life.  Here's our day in pictures!!!!

 The call of the wild is to great for 4 young boys.

 Will come together for a picture!

Per his request: a plan cake with chocolate icing (homemade) and
crunch bars on top!

 Ten green candles, handled with no spit!

 Yummy!  Slice of cake with homemade vanilla ice cream.

Thing Two remembered that his brother got "10 Things about 'Thing One'"
and wanted his own too!  On actual page, his IRL is printed on the page.
As of now, still not comfortable using their real names!

 Long awaited gift card to Itunes!  

 Our attempt at controlling some legos!  This is for all those mini figs laying around.
Thing One got a blue one too ~ a week late.
Guess who forgot to wrap the two mini figs that went with this?
Yup, that would be this mom.  He didn't care!
He ended up with two knights
(employees evidently figure out some of the mini figs and label them.
Those are left under the register counter.  I had mentioned something about
wanting to know and six were pulled out.  Of the four I bought, 3 were
correct.  Thing Two was hoping for Chicken man, but got a second knight)

He was quite happy with his day and we were thankful for that!

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