pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Dreaming

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


of next school year, the school books, the new crayons, the new pencils, the new ~ wait a minute we homeschool there aren't always new crayons or pencils when we have a bazillion collected over the last few years (thanks Grandpa and Grandma for the LARGE donation to each boy a few Christmas' ago).

I am dreaming of texts books and planners and field trips and art projects and getting out more and making school so much fun.

What do YOU do to make school fun?  What kinds of tricks do you keep up your sleeve?  I need help with getting "the fun on" for next year.

Here are some of my ideas thus far:
  • hoping for a field trip a month, possibly themed around month, season, or unit study
  • designing school logo for t-shirt, sweat shirts, pj bottoms (for the all important pj school days)
  • more art & science because the boys love that stuff
  • having FuN fRiDaYs by cooking, exploring, science, art
  • during the winter, more stay at home days with a fire going (will have to see how Speech and O/T fit into that)
Please leave some suggestions in the comments so I can come back and get inspired.


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