We've finished four years of homeschooling and I have yet to find a planner that I like. Well, the first year we used Sonlight and their Instructors Guide has just about everything laid out. When we switched to Five in a Row, I began fumbling around for forms that would work for us. Hoping this year, I've found a collection of forms that will work for me.
Quick glance of the whole year June 2011/May 2012. Pink are
holidays/vacations I know we'll take. Yellow are my review and testing week. I've
already started noting things in pencil to get a feel of the year.
This form is for our unit study titles. I have the weeks listed
along the left side, starting on Monday. With this, if I have seasonal studies
I want to put in, I can, then fill in with other titles. I also note weeks
off and holidays here too.
My colorful, seasonally designed, home made,
monthly calendar. I have one for each month so I can note things
like co-op, ortho appointments, sports, and other things.
Here is my "Extras for the Year" form. Something new for me as
I want to intentionally add some fun things to the school year and can plan
ahead as I find stuff or make a notes to call about an event.
"Books we've read, videos we've watched, field trips" with a space
at the top for title of book, author, and illustrator for the book we're doing
a unit study on. I'm hoping to use this as a way to figure out what books we'd
like to find at the library and then include it in the boys notebooks.
Here is my modified (I used a smaller version last year) weekly calendar.
The top line says "week of:" followed by two bigger blocks for the boys individual
unit studies. I'll write the title of the book in the gray shaded line and then the
topic to be studied by the letter M, T, W, T, or F. I'm using two blocks because the boys
are not always doing the same unit study. The remaining boxes are for
grammar, MoH, MuS, geography, spelling. Some of these we'll do together, others
that are separated just take a note of lesson number and I'll code those lines with colored pencils.
As for keeping it all together ~ 3 ring binder. In the front will be my over view pages (Year at a Glance, Unit Studies Overview, and Extras), then behind monthly tabs will be the monthly calendar and relevant weekly lesson plan.
Now it's time to pull it all together, sharpen the colored pencils, and write some things out. At least after my geography book comes in.