pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Thankfulness

Monday, November 8, 2010


We did a bit of shopping yesterday, as Kevin was out of cold medicine that is okay to take with all the other stuff he is on.  While at Wal-mart, I took a bit of time to look for a this computer lap desk I'd seen a week or so earlier.  It's one that gets a lap top up, so that air can circulate underneath and not run so hot.  Not such a bad investment as I've already fried one mother board.

So today, I am thankful for my little lap desk, as we're working on school stuff.  I am able to get my computer at a good height while sitting on the floor (and it's not making my lap to hot).
My MacBook, on the desk, attached to the T.V. 

Top of the lap desk.  You can have your lap top flat or propped up.

This little desk even came with a light that plugs into a USB port.
Here's my thankful item today.  It will probably go up on our Thankful Tree tonight at dinner.

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