pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Summer Vacation?!?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Summer Vacation?!?

Can it really be called summer vacation?  We took a veg day yesterday, before the "summer chores" get started.  Summer chores, for me, are all those things that are just so difficult to get to during a homeschooling school year.  Yes, there are more hours spent at home, but fewer to get things done while uninterrupted.  Getting ready for the day, school, basic chores, library, sports, hikes, shopping, and meal prep seem to take a large portion of the day.

Top of my list today, neglected computer work.  I have the remains of my morning coffee, at hand, and about ready to turn i tunes on.  Will plug away at computer stuff for the day, before swim team and scouts this evening.  May have to make another pot of coffee or some tea.

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