pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Graphs and Dominoes

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Graphs and Dominoes

Yes, there is a correlation between the two.  We worked on another graph today.  It was adding up the dots each of the 28 dominoes and plotting on a graph.  Their totals created a nice little bell curve (if the total was o, 1, 11, or 12, there was 1 tile each; if the sum was 2, 3, 9, or 10, there were 2 tiles each; if the total was 4, 5, 7, or 8, there were 3 tiles each; and finally if the total was 6, there were 4 tiles total).

It's amazing how easy it is to have fun, and learn, with stuff found around the house.  Thankfully though, if we didn't have dominoes, Saxon Math had included a sheet of dominoes we could have cut out.

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