pinterest-dd591.htm Oak Creek Academy: Welcome Class of 2018 and 2021

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Welcome Class of 2018 and 2021

School is, in fact, in session here!  We are actually in our third week, with just one day left at that.  14 days down, many more to go.  I find it incredibly hard to believe we have been homeschooling this long ~ 6 + years.  We're finding our groove and it feels like another part of life for us.  It's a way of life now.

Don't get me wrong, the beginning of each year is a hard with the adjustment back to school.  This year may have been the hardest as we took the longest summer vacation we have ever had.  Nine weeks of no school, no plans for anything other than summer.  I've learned my lesson, realizing we are more of a year round family.  6 to 8 weeks of school followed by a week or two off.  This allows for some good learning as well as a good break to get the big stuff done.

Anyhoot, here are some photo's I took this past Monday for "start of the school year" photos.  Yes, the first day of week three.  If you'd witness the first two weeks, you might just understand!  Not going to share the bad, but it was a hard transition back.  Life has settled down and we're finding our grove.  I am quite proud of both boys and learning to get their "job" done and doing it well.

Class of 2018
Class of 2021

Bad close up!
An even closer bad close up (both just because!)

What the dining room table looks like during school!
Thanks for taking the time to see a glimpse of our school!  Hope you've enjoyed what you have seen and read.

1 comment:

  1. Love that I looked back at a post, to find an error that no one pointed out. Our youngest does not graduate in 2012, but in 2021. Big difference!
