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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

family and friends. Hard to believe the year is almost over and here we are preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Not a lot of news to add for a seasonal letter. Seems like if I'd been writing them over the years, I could probably just change the year, the font, and size of text and no one would be wiser. LOL!!

We've watched a lot of "sporting events" our kids have been in this year. The list includes swimming, t-ball, and soccer. There's also been many scouting events. Both boys are involved with Scouts this "school year" and seem to be enjoying.

Probably the biggest change to our schedule has been joining a co-op. We meet twice a month where the boys are taking art, science (Thing One) and a P.E. type class (Thing Two). Through co-op, the boys have meet a lot more homeschooled kids that attend our church and a few others, as well. We've gone on field trips, seen plays, joined a Lego Club (Thing One), and generally had a lot of fun.

Kevin has been playing a lot more with the church band and is thoroughly enjoying it. He's enjoyed getting to know the men at church through band, Base Camp (Tuesday Morning Men's Bible Study), and attending the Men's Offensive (because men don't retreat!!).

I am thankful for the health of our whole family. Think the worst, probably was my experiencing problems with my gall bladder. I ended up having it removed the beginning of September. Fortunately, by now in December, there aren't to many ill effects from that.

Hope all is well with each and everyone of you! May you be in awe of what Christmas brought us.

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